We are continuing our study through Romans. We hope your personal study will enhance your experience during Sunday worship. See the reading plan and suggestions for personal study below, or download the PDF.
❑ April 18- Romans 9:1-5 ❑ 19- 9:6-13
❑ 20- 9:13-24
❑ 21- 9:25-29
❑ 22- 9:30 – 10:4
❑ 23- Read Ch. 9 as a whole ❑ 24- REST
❑ 25- 10:5-13
❑ 26- 10:14-21
❑ 27- 11:1-6
❑ 28- 11:7-12
❑ 29- 11:13-24
❑ 30- 11:25-36
❑ May 1- REST
❑ 2- 12:1-2
❑ 3- 12:3-8
❑ 4- 12:9-21
❑ 5- 13:1-7
❑ 6- 13:8-10
❑ 7- 13:11-14
❑ 8- REST
❑ 9- 14:1-12
❑ 10- 14:13-23
❑ 11- 15:1-6
❑ 12- 15:7-13
❑ 13- 15:14-21
❑ 14- 15:22-33
❑ 15- REST
❑ 16- 16:1-7
❑ 17- 16:8-16
❑ 18- 16:17-23
❑ 19- 16:25-27
❑ 20- Revisit a favorite text from Romans
❑ 21- Consider what you have learned in Romans and how God is wanting to form you through it.
❑ 22- REST & Romans Wrap Up
1) Pray before you begin and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and revelation
as you read.
2) Romans is a dense text. Reread passages more than once and compare several
different versions like NRSV, NIV and The Message.
3) Look for the following as you read and make notes as you observe them in the
- Repetition of words, statements, or themes
- Comparison/Contrast
- Simile: explicit comparison using the words “like” or “as”
- Metaphor: an object, activity, or idea that is used as a symbol of something else
- Personification: a thing, quality or idea represented as a person
4) Do you see connections between the passage you are reading and other texts in
Romans or the Bible as a whole? How do they reinforce or enhance your
5) What questions or wonderings do you have as you engage with this passage?
We would encourage you to get a notebook or journal to write down your observations
and reflections. Take heart, it can take time to settle into a new rhythm of reading and
studying scripture. The more you read, the more you will begin to understand and make
connections that you had not seen before. We are here to help.
If you have questions or are feeling stuck, please connect with us at bludwig@5stones.org or